
Usage of NET-QUBIC data and/or biomaterials is regulated in the NET-QUBIC data and biomaterial access policy (NET-QUBIC study procedures). Proposals to use NET-QUBIC data can be submitted as well as proposals to obtain a support letter for grant proposals. Procedures for both types of proposals are the same.

In short:

  1. Research proposals are only submitted by members of the NET-QUBIC consortium listed in Annex I. Researchers from outside this consortium can also submit a proposal, but only in collaboration with one of the consortium members. The proposals are always approved by the respective representative in the steering committee of a participating center (the local PI).
  2. A research protocol is prepared. A format is attached (Annex V and VI). It contains Background, Research questions and preliminary work, Plan of investigation including statistical considerations, Budget, Financing and Time schedule.
  3. The protocol is sent to the NET-QUBIC Principal Investigator (PI) Prof Verdonck-de Leeuw ([email protected]) who will check whether the protocol overlaps with other running protocols and will forward it with an overview of possible overlap to the steering committee. An overview of these running projects can be found in Appendix 1.
  4. The steering committee will judge the proposal on scientific merits as well as feasibility on basis of preliminary work and budget. The steering committee keep all information confidential. In case the proposal needs biomaterials and the advice of the steering committee is positive, the proposal will also be judged by the Biobank Committee of VUmc. The representatives in the steering committee consult the relevant parties within their centers, exchange comments and send an advice for participation to the NET-QUBIC PI within one month. Refusal by any center to share their data and biomaterials needs to be motivated as the intent of NET-QUBIC is to make the NET-QUBIC Data warehouse and biobank widely available, supporting research.
  5. The comments of the steering committee are forwarded by the PI to the applicant and the steering committee representative (local PI) of the respective center, with suggestions when relevant to improve the study design or add preliminary work.
  6. When the advice is positive the study can start after signing the data sharing agreement (Annex VII of the research agreement). Also applicants who are members of the NET-QUBIC Consortium have to pay the data  management charge of €2,500 and (in total) €5,000 when also  biobank data are needed. In case of applicants who are not members of the NET-QUBIC Consortium these charges are at least €5,000 and €10,000, respectively. This money is charged to compensate for the costs of extra not budgeted data management needed for release of NETQBIC data and samples.
  7. Changes in the work plan have to be communicated and evaluated by the steering committee
  8. The applicant sends a yearly progress report (1 A4) till publication of the data, that will be evaluated by the steering committee.
  9. The Principle Investigator, Data Release Coordinator and all members of the Steering Committee will be actively approached by the lead author (or corresponding author) to participate as co-author in the proposed multicenter paper.
  10. Additional research data (for example new biomarkers) obtained from studies using NET-QUBIC data or samples are brought into the NET-QUBIC Data Warehouse for use in future studies without any charges.