Wednesday the 2nd of December 2015
Beatrix Building (Jaarbeurs) Utrecht
This is the first NET-QUBIC Symposium. We are happy that professor Andy Ness will present on an ongoing cohort study on HNC cancer patients in the UK “Head and Neck 5000”, and that professor Meike Bartels will present on her work on the association between genetics and well-being. Furthermore, an update on NET-QUBIC will be given by professor Irma Verdonck and professor Ruud Brakenhoff will present how the NET-QUBIC data will be shared.
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Welcome and update NET-QUBIC, Professor Irma Verdonck – de Leeuw
13.30 Head and Neck 5000, Professor Andy Ness
14.30 Break
15.00 Genetics and well-being, Professor Meike Bartels
16.00 NET-QUBIC data, Professor Ruud Brakenhoff
16.30 Drinks
About the speakers
Professor Irma Verdonck – de Leeuw is a psychologist, speech pathologist and linguist. She is professor at the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery of the VU University Medical Center, and the department of Clinical Psychology of VU University, Amsterdam.
Professor Andy Ness is a professor of epidemiology at the University of Bristol, UK. He is head of the Bristol Dental School Lifecourse Epidemiology and Oral Health Research Group. He is Director of the NIHR Biomedical Research Unit at the University of Bristol and the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust in Nutrition, Diet and Lifestyle. He is principal investigator on the Head and Neck 5000 cohort study
Professor Meike Bartels is Professor in Behavior and Quantitative Genetics at the Department of Biological Psychology, EMGO+-Institute, VU University Amsterdam. She holds a University Research Chair in Genetics and Wellbeing.
Professor Ruud Brakenhoff is molecular biologist at the Tumor Biology section of the Department of Otolaryngology -Head and Neck Surgery of the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam.